About Me

“When you take the time to prepare a cake for family and friends, you automatically turn a gathering into a special occasion.”
— Chuck Williams, Williams-Sonoma CAKE

Baking for me started as a hobby and then later on turned into passion. The cupcakes, brownies, cheesecakes.. all of them, have undergone the best quality control. Nope not the paid ones lol. Quality control based on feedbacks from my flatmates, colleagues, friends, church and anyone who has tried them. Even if they had it for free, they have maintained their honesty and sincerity in giving good/great/harsh/not-so-harsh comments hehehe… And it helped me to become better and bake better.. The next thing I know, few orders are coming in. Since I have a full-time job, I accept orders with one-week notice so I can schedule my time and buy the necessary ingredients.

I only use the finest and freshest ingredients in my baking. Added to that, I’m a perfectionist by heart. (I usually eat the failed ones that explains why I couldnt seem to lose those extra pounds. Now, its not extra.. its permanently hugging me!!). Oh, and I looovveee receiving feedbacks! good or bad, please let me know ok?

I’ll be posting these baked goodies, so please feel free to browse. You can leave a comment if you have any enquiries or if you find that the webpage layout is giving you difficulty to browse hehehe. You may also refer to my ‘Contact Me’ page.

Thanks to my flatmates, friends and colleagues who supported and encouraged me to bake 🙂 To all of you who took time to visit my website, thanks. Please join me in my journey to the baking world where I find solitude in mixing, baking and icing… And yes, I still bake for free for my friends lol.
Oh! And if you reach this sentence, I admire your patience LOL Thank you for taking time to get to know the owner of this page *Ahem, thats me*

As Thomas Edison once said ‘I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work’. (I’m not sure if that quotation fits in this page, I just really want to include coz it reflects my continuous learning on baking and well, I find it cool! HA-HA!)

All the best.


“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”
– Jeremiah 29:11

*May these words touch you as how it touched my life*