Christmas Cookies


A not-so-late entry but I have to post these cookies before the year ends πŸ˜› After the wedding cake, I finally got some rest and gradually recovered. An ex-colleague, Ejo, requested for some Christmas chocolate cookies. Since, I’m really going to bake cookies for the kids at the church, I accepted her request.

I made these 10 Snowman chocolate cookies.



And another 10 Christmas Tree chocolate cookies.



I have also included this Hello Kitty cookie. I bought this cookie cutter sometime back from Kitchen Capers store. (I still have a lot of stuff which I bought and haven’t used yet. Yes, I’m officially a hoarder LOL). This was like 6-inch in height πŸ™‚ I know Ejo also loves Hello Kitty so I baked one for her as a farewell gift πŸ™‚


Thanks Ejo for this request. I hope you and your friends enjoyed the chocolate cookies.


Here are another set of cookies. I baked for my friends’ kids and the little ones in church. I think these 12 cookies were 4-inch round vanilla butter cookies. Decorated with fondant and layered with the snowman πŸ™‚



I love this time of the year! πŸ™‚ Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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